Add a watermark to your PSB file and save the result as a GIF

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Step 1: Upload PSD File

Preview PSD File before watermarking

Step 2: Watermark Options

Preview PSD File before watermarking

Step 3: Download Result

Save as

* By uploading your files or using our service you agree with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
** PSD Watermark shows one of the features of using our PSD library with graphic files.
*** API in .Net and Java are available for developers. AI / PDF support is only partial and is limited to the first page.
**** Your files and the links stay available on our servers for the next 24 hours.
AI Viewer PSD Viewer PSD Conversion PSD Extract PSD Compress PSD Watermark PSD Merger Create Portfolio PSD Template Editor PSD Editor PSD Resize Font Replacement Photo Editor Sharpen Image Crop Image Crop into Circle Gif Maker Collage Maker Remove Watermark Black and White Denoise Image PSD Metadata Nlp Editor
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Add and adjust a watermark to your PSB files.

Add a watermark to your PSB file and save the result as a GIF. Select text or image, use color and opacity to hide or reveal the watermark on your image.

Watermark Maker is a web browser app that is focused on ease of use and speed of results. Our app provides two types of watermarks:

  • Text Watermark. Specify text and background color, use the opacity slider with 255 levels, and get your watermarked GIF copy to your device.
  • Image Watermark. Use the opacity slider with 255 levels to adjust the appropriate transparency for your PSB image watermark.

Choose the type, color, and opacity based on your purpose. Maybe you want the watermark to contain copyright information, personal information (your name, name of receiver, logo, or contacts), or the status of the document (Draft, Revision, or Copy).

Adding watermarks to images and documents is an extra layer of security to prevent piracy but not enough for legal protection. The presence of watermarks on images cannot be used to confirm copyright.

Rasterize[1] all vector layers before watermarking to put marks on every layer of your PSB file and save the result in a GIF file format for your purpose. PSD or PSB is well suited for professional digital art, especially in raster graphics editing.

GIF is often used for logos, lettering, diagrams, for small animations and low-resolution video clips, and as reactions in online messages used to convey emotions and feelings instead of words.

Watermarks do not affect the originals, they are just added to the watermarked copy. Work with PSB files anytime on your computer, phone, or tablet. Our app is created to help you to watermark effortlessly and efficiently. No special skills are required to watermark images.

Our app is a virtual instrument powered by Aspose.PSD. All files are processed with Aspose APIs, which are used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries. Our API in .NET or JAVA is useful for developers and comes with great documentation, clear code samples, and an all-dev support team.

  1. Rasterization is conversion text or vector layers to raster images. Vector files do not support some Photoshop features. Some Photoshop tools and effects work only with raster graphics. If you need to apply these to vector graphics, they must be rasterized first.

PSB - Adobe Photoshop Image File

Adobe photoshop saves files in two formats. Files having 30,000 by 30,000 pixels in size are saved with PSD extension and files larger than PSD upto 300,000 by 300,000 pixels are saved with PSB extension known as “Photoshop Big”. More specifically, PSB files can be as large as 4 EB (over 4.2 billion GB) with images that have a height and width of up to 300,000 pixels. PSDs, on the other hand, can be at maximum upto 2 GB and image dimensions of 30,000 pixels. PSB is also known as large format size for photoshop and supports all the photoshop features like layers, effects and filters.

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GIF - Graphical Interchange Format File

A GIF or Graphical Interchange Format is a type of highly compressed image. Owned by Unisys, GIF uses the LZW compression algorithm that does not degrade the image quality. For each image GIF typically allow up to 8 bits per pixel and up to 256 colours are allowed across the image. In contrast to a JPEG image, which can display up to 16 million colours and fairly touches the limits of the human eye.

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PSD Watermark

  • Custom Image and Text Watermarking;

  • Does not affect the original files;

  • Watermark your images to protect you intellectual property;

  • Supported Documents: AI, PSD, PSB, PNG, JPG, JP2, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PDF.
  • Save as: PSD, PNG, JPG, JP2, TIFF, GIF, BMP.
Features of the Aspose.PSD Watermark free app

How to Watermark PSB images and save as GIF with Watermark Maker:

  • Click inside the file drop area to Upload a PSB file or Drag and drop it into the upload area. Wait for the file to upload;

  • Select watermark type: Text or Image;

  • Specify the watermark color, background color, and opacity level for the Text Watermark. Specify the opacity level for the Image Watermark;

  • Select the Saving format from the drop-down list (the default is GIF);

  • Click the Watermark button to get a watermarked GIF file directly to your device;

  • Start watermarking the next PSB image

How to protect your PSD File. Rasterize and add Watermark on each Layer


  • How do I prevent a AI, PSB or PSD file from being used without my permission?

    AI, PSB or PSD files can be edited in any PSD editor. So try as many ways as possible to preserve your PSD files, such as rasterize all vector layers to add watermarks to all layers in your PSD file, convert PSD to PDF or other supported formats, and use a watermarked copy in place of the original files.
  • Is it legal to use watermarks?

    Yes, watermarks are completely legal and acceptable. Use or distribution of watermarks is not restricted by law. However, make sure your watermark does not infringe on the rights of others.
  • How many files can I watermark at once?

    You can watermark one file at a time.
  • How long are files stored on the servers?

    All files are stored on our servers for 24 hours. After that, they are automatically deleted.
  • Why does watermarking take so long?

    Watermarking files can take a long time as data needs to be re-encoded and re-compressed.
  • Does it work on my phone?

    It works on any platform with any browser on any device.

Have you thought about your own PSD-based automation?

That's only part of features. Check our resources to learn more:

Watermark you PSD Files Fast and Easy

Quick and Easy Watermark

Upload your PSD or PSB document and optionally custom watermark image. Then select the PSD Watermark options you want to use and click 'Watermark PSD' button. When the process is completed, Watermarked PSD File will be downloaded.

Add Watermarks to PSD Files Right Before Meeting

Watermark from Anywhere

It works from all platforms including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. All files are processed on our servers. No plugin or software installation required for you

Tested PSD App for Watermarking Layers

Watermark quality

Powered by PSD . All files are processed using Aspose APIs, which are being used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries

Other Supported Watermark

You can also add Watermark to other document file formats. Please see the list below.