Find and replace text in Word, PDF documents

Find and replace text online

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Find and Replace Text Online

With our Text Replacer, you can quickly find and change text in a document online. Just enter the text you want to find in the first text box, enter the text you want to replace with in the second text box, and click the button. Your document will be ready in a few seconds. Everything is simple, quick and completely free.

You have the ability to define the boundaries within which text will be searched and replaced: document content, comments, and metadata. You can also set the case sensitivity.

Text Replacer Online

If you need to quickly replace a phrase throughout a document, then our free Find and Replace Text tool is just what you want. It can greatly facilitate the work with sample office documents, such as agreements and contracts. Instead of editing them manually, you can speed up the process and make the necessary modifications online with just a couple of expressions.

For example, you may want to rapidly change the customer's name in a sample contract. Just enter two text expressions to find and replace, and you will instantly get a ready-made result that you can immediately print or send to your client by email.

Search and replace text in a document using Regex

Please note that our free tool supports regular expression syntax, which makes it possible to set Find and Replace expressions in a configurable way. Regular expressions (also called Regex) are a powerful mechanism for finding and replacing text.

Why can regular expressions be better than plain text Find and Replace in some cases? - The fact is that a Regex allows you to set a search pattern that can cover a group of similar text fragments and replace them at a time.

How to find and replace text in a document

  1. Upload a document in which you want to replace the text.
  2. Enter the text you want to find in your document.
  3. Enter the text to be replaced with.
  4. Click the button and wait for the Find and Replace operation to complete.
  5. Download the modified document back to your device.

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