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    Automatically read completed SAT answer sheets generated with Create machine-readable SAT sheet application Create Survey application.

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    Read SAT sheet

    The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) is a standardized test that is widely used for college admissions in the United States. The main purpose of the test is to assess the student's readiness for further education by assessing written, oral and mathematical skills. Most colleges in the United States require the SAT for admission to undergraduate courses. Schools also offer scholarships to students based on their SAT scores. The College Board has also introduced the SAT in India. All the universities in the India Higher Education Alliance are accepting SAT scores for admission from Indian students and around the world. The SAT is offered seven times a year in the United States: in August, October, November, December, March, May, and June. For international students, the SAT is offered four times a year: in October, December, March and May.

    Currently, SAT is a paper-based test , when participants are filling in the bubbles corresponding to the correct answers with a pencil. The SAT form includes 154 multiple-choice questions, making manual scoring of each completed answer sheet a long process with potential human errors. Automatic scoring is usually done with specialized scoring devices that are not affordable for individual tutors and small / medium training courses.

    This free online application turns your computer or a smartphone into an optical reader / scoring machine for creating and grading completed SAT forms. With it, you can forget tedious and error-prone manual scoring or waiting for a Scantron device – simply take a photo of a completed SAT sheet in class and get results without wasting the time that could be spent on the educational process. The app works on any device, including smartphones.

    This free app provided by  Aspose.OMR

    Create answer sheet video

    Ready-made answer sheets

    Do you need an answer sheet for a popular exam without any effort? Explore our collection of professional templates, fully compatible with the Aspose.OMR recognition engine.

    How to read a completed SAT form

    Step 1 icon

    Step 1

    Scan or photograph the sheet

    Scan the completed SAT form or take a photo with your smartphone.

    Step 2 icon

    Step 2

    Upload files

    Browse for scans or photographs of the completed sheets.

    Step 3 icon

    Step 3

    Recognize the form

    Click the Read SAT sheet(s) button and wait for the forms to be recognized.

    Step 4 icon

    Step 4

    Download results

    Click Download button to get recognition results in the selected format.


    How to fill a form?

    The bubble’s circle must be completely filled with a pen or a black marker. Avoid any stray marks, especially those that cross the bubbles or a barcode.

    Do I need a scanner?

    Scanned SAT sheets provide the most accurate results. However, you can simply take a photo of a completed answer sheet and recognize it with almost the same accuracy.

    How to scan a photo?

    You can scan and read completed SAT sheets using your smartphone’s camera as a scanner. To get the perfect result, follow a few simple guidelines: Hold your smartphone parallel to the paper. Make user the image is well lit with minimal glares and gradients. The page must cover the entire area of the photo. All black squares in the corners must fit the frame.

    Can I recognize multiple SAT sheets at once?

    Yes, the application supports batch recognition. Simply provide more than one completed form printed from the same template.

    Can I recognize a SAT answer sheet from third-party app?

    No. The original answer sheet template must be created in Create machine-readable SAT sheet application.

    Can I use the app from mobile devices?

    Yes, the application works in all popular web browsers on any device and platform, including smartphones.

    Is this app free?

    Our app is 100% free, without restrictions, built-in ads, or hidden payments. You can read any number of SAT forms, for as long as you need.

    The features you will like

    Fast and easy

    Fast and easy

    Process dozens of completed SAT forms per minute in a few clicks.

    No equipment needed.

    No equipment needed.

    Use your existing office copier or even a smartphone camera instead of an expensive OMR scanner. You can even process rotated and skewed images.

    Integration with third-party systems

    Integration with third-party systems

    Read the completed SAT form into JSON or CSV formats, which can be programmatically analyzed, scored and imported into any relational or NoSQL database.

    Scan from anywhere

    Scan from anywhere

    Simply take a photo of a completed SAT form in class and instantly get a result on your smartphone.

    Suitable for everyone

    Suitable for everyone

    The application does not require coding skills or tedious and error-prone manual scoring – recognition is performed automatically in a few seconds.

    Read from anywhere

    Read from anywhere

    SAT forms are analyzed by high-performance Aspose Cloud. The application has minimal hardware or operating system requirements - you can use it even on netbooks and mobile devices.

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