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Use our service to place GIF files on your site.A properly selected animated design will allow you to highlight important parts your site, or create a unique style for your pages.
If you need advertising on your site or you need to advertise on other resources, then a GIF file displaying various products or services of your business is what you need. - select high-quality images and set the preferred settings, we will do the rest ourselves.The result will be ready in a matter of seconds.
Animirov These avatars are also one of the ways to add personality to your profile on various forums, blogs, etc. Choose the images you need for your profile picture and create a GIF using this application.
You can also use our service to create GIF animation for your social networks. Your posts on facebook, instagram or twitter can look more informative or attract more attention if they contain beautiful animation.
Our application allows you to create GIF files from your images using various settings. You can use many image formats (JPEG, PNG, BMP, SVG,, etc.) to get the output file. The selected images can be easily arranged in the order you need using the drag&drop function. The display time of images can be set the same for all in the general settings or for each image individually. If the selected images are of different sizes, then the empty areas can be filled with the color you choose. If you need to stretch the images, then check the stretch box, but note that in this case, the proportions of the images will be changed. We also provide the ability to specify the size of the resulting GIF file. You can set the width and height of the output file and all images will be adjusted to these values.
Read more about the image processing options provided:
Do not change images. If you select this item, the height and width of the resulting GIF file will be equal to the maximum height and width among all selected images. In this case, the sizes of the images will not change, each of them will be inserted into the animation with the obligatory addition of a background. Use the color selection to select the desired background, because. by default it will be black.
Select an image for the template. This item allows you to create a GIF file with a height and width equal to the height and width of the selected image. When you select one image as a template image, all other images will be resized proportionally so that they fit into the template image dimensions.fights. If you don't choose a background color to fill the voids, it will be black by default. But you can also select the option of stretching and then all other images will be disproportionately stretched to the size of the template image.
Set dimensions manually. It is also possible to set the dimensions of the output gif file manually. You must make sure to set values for the height and width of the result and all images will be proportionally resized to fit within the given values. Large images will be compressed to the specified sizes, while small ones will be left as is. All empty areas will be filled with the background color. But if you want all images to be stretched out of proportion, then set the stretch flag.
First you need to add images: drag the images or click inside the white area to select. Arrange them and select the appropriate image processing option. Set the image display time, background and stretch if necessary. Click the CREATE GIF button. When the file is ready, you can download it.
This app is fast. You can create a file in a few seconds.
Of course! The download link for the file will be available as soon as it is created. We delete uploaded files after 24 hours and the download links will stop working after this period of time. No one has access to your files. Editing the metadata is completely safe .
Our Gif animation maker works online and does not require any software installation.
You can use any modern browser to create a Gif file, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari.