Learn how to build a sliding map using Aspose.GIS and a database.

KMZ to SVG Converter

Easily Convert KMZ to SVG online from anywhere

Powered by aspose.com and aspose.cloud

Or select file from your cloud storage
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Render as

Notice to KMZ: Data in KMZ format is stored in WGS 84 SRS. Please only use WGS 84 output SRS if you are converting to KMZ format.

The KMZ to SVG is an application for fast visualization of Geo Data1 and allows the user to save the result to any device without needing any other software.
You can upload recorded routes by GPS-tracker to the GIS Viewer. View Geo Data of your activities (run, walk, hike, drive) by yourself or share the result with your co-workers, your family and your closest friends even if you are far away from each other.
All you need is a GIS file in any of the supported formats:
  • gpx
  • kml, kmz
  • geojson, json, topojson
  • shp, dbf, shx, cpg, prj, qix
  • mif, mid
  • tab, map, id, dat
  • gdb, gdbtable, gbdtablx
  • gml
  • osm
  • csv
  • tif, geotiff
  • asc
Once rendered, the GIS Viewer allows to download the rendered Geo data in the popular raster or vector formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, PDF, SVG.
basic features

GIS Viewer

  • Support many geo vector formats: Kml, Gpx, Tab, Shp, and more
  • Specify spatial reference system (EPSG code)
  • Specify map sizes
  • Zoom and move possibilities

KMZ Zipped KML

A KMZ file is a KML file zipped with a ZIP compressor. The KMZ can be stored on disk or sent by mail as a single file.

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SVG Scalar Vector Graphics

An SVG file is a Scalar Vector Graphics file that uses XML based text format for describing the appearance of an image. The word Scalable refers to the fact that the SVG can be scaled to different sizes without losing any quality.

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Features of the Aspose.Gis Viewer free app


  1. How can I open a GIS file in the viewer?

    First, you need to add a GIS file: drag and drop the GIS file or click inside the white area to select the file. Then choose the format for rendering your file. Select output image size and reference system. Then click on the "Generate" button. The result will be rendered in a special window, after which it can be downloaded from the link.

Other Supported Viewers

You can also view many other file formats. Please see the complete list below.

Version: 24.33.3
(Release notes)