Convert MS Project to TXT

Convert MS Project to TXT in an easy way

Drag and drop file here

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Aspose.TasksAspose.Tasks Web Applications

If you have ever dealt with MS Project you know, that this tool is really useful and pretty simple. It is user-friendly and intuitively understandable for people who know how to work with the MS Office packet. The project created there are files with MPP extension. The question is how will you deal with the issue that not all members of your team have this tool installed? So not every member of your team can work with MS Projects you have created.

If you are a PM or any other manager involved in the project you need from time to time to share your documents with the team and other stakeholders. One of the ways you can do it is to transform MPP files to a format supported by the software available in your company, to TXT for example. Now all the involved in the project members can learn the documents you have created without getting the Microsoft Project application on their devices.

The solution here is the cross-platform MS Project to TXT converter. It transforms documents in a few seconds. It works from any modern browser on any device.

You may also want to add such functionality to your own solution. To learn more about this option go to the Documentation chapter.

  • Convert MS Project to TXT in an easy way.
  • Use it in your own apps and integrate Conversion in your C# .NET projects.
  • High-performance Microsoft Project Conversion with native APIs.

How to convert MS Project to TXT

  • To add a file click anywhere in the blue area or on the Browse for file button to upload or drag and drop it. You can also add the document by entering its URL in the URL cell.
  • Click on the Convert button. Your MS Project file will be uploaded and converted to the result format.
  • To reset the selection or start over click the cross in the right upper corner of the Drag and drop area.
  • Download link of the result will be available instantly after conversion.
  • To start over click the Return back to the application button.


  • How to convert MS Project to TXT?Add a file for conversion: click anywhere in the blue area or on the Browse for file button to upload or drag and drop it. You can also add the document by entering its URL in the URL cell. Then select the needed format, click the Convert button and wait until your file is converted.
  • What is the maximum file size supported?The maximum file size is 250Mb.
  • How long does it take to convert MS Project to TXT?This Converter works fast. The process takes just a few seconds.
  • Fast and Easy Conversion

    Choose the format you want to convert from and the format you want to convert to. Upload your document and click the Convert button. You will get the download link soon.
  • Convert from Anywhere

    It works from all platforms including Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. Everything is processed on our servers. No plugin or software installation is required for you.
  • Conversion Quality

    Conversion is fulfilled using Aspose APIs, which are being used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries.
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