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Convert Pixels to Centimeters and vice versa Easily!
CSS has a set of different units that can be used to indicate the size of fonts and other elements such as width, margins, padding, etc. Choosing and estimating relationships between CSS units can be challenging to calculate in mind, so our online Pixels to Centimeters Converter helps you switch between them in no time.
With the Pixels to Centimeters Converter, you can also perform the vice versa calculation from centimeters to pixels. Our browser-based application works on all platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android and iOS. No registration, plugin or software installation is required for you.
- Quick way to convert Pixels to Centimeters and vice versa
- No limitation, no registration and installation of additional software
- Try other pixel conversions: px to mm, px to cm, px to in, px to pt, px to rem, px to em
- User-friendly interface and simple settings for Pixels to Centimeters conversion
- Work from your favorite device
How to Convert Pixels to Centimeters
- First, select a pair of units to convert, for example, pixels to centimeters.
- Enter a base value if it is required.
- Click the “Convert“ button to run the pixels to centimeters conversion and immediately get the result in the text box.
- You can select a new pair of CSS units to convert or run vice versa unit conversion.
- Why do I need the Pixels to Centimeters Converter?If you need to calculate the sizes related to pixels for various cases, please use our Pixels to Centimeters Converter. The Pixels to Centimeters Converter instantly converts pixels, points, root units, inches, centimeters and other CSS size units!
- What is a Pixel in CSS?A pixel is a unit of measurement generally used in graphic and web design. The term CSS pixel is synonymous with the CSS unit of absolute length px — which is normatively defined as being exactly 1/96th of 1 inch.
- What is a Point in CSS?A point (pt) is a unit of length commonly used in the print industry and print media to achieve a pixel-perfect display of a device. One point is equivalent to 4/3 of physical pixels. Points are equal to 1/72 of an inch. For example, 12 pt = 16 pixels.
- What is an Em in CSS?In CSS, one em is defined as the current font size. Em is a relative CSS unit. For most elements, this is the inherited and computed value from its parent (base) element. The root element is special because it doesn't inherit from anything. 1em for the root element is the default font size specified in the browser settings - 16px in most modern Windows browsers. Expressing sizes, such as margins and paddings, in em means they are related to the font size, and the sizes will be in proportion.
Fast and Easy Pixels to Centimeters Converter
Select px to cm pair, enter a base value if needed and a value you want to convert. Then, click the “Convert“ button and immediately get the pixels to centimeters conversion result!Convert Pixels to Centimeters from Anywhere
Pixels to Centimeters Converter works from all platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android and iOS. All files are processed on our servers.Pixels to Centimeters Converter Quality
All data are processed using Aspose APIs, which are established well in the software industry and used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries.