Parsing is a process of syntactic analysis to discover components, relations, and semantic information from strings of symbols.

Why Parsing Coordinates Matters

  • Independence from Source Formats: You don't need to know the source format, parsing ensures accurate data extraction.
  • Uniformity: Parsing ensures consistent formatting for all your spatial data, improving data quality.
  • Automation: Streamline data management by automatically parsing and converting coordinates from one format to another.
  • Interoperability: Facilitates interoperability between different mapping and geospatial systems.
  • Accuracy: Accurately extract coordinates at the desired level of accuracy for your application.

Our app is a virtual instrument powered by Aspose.GIS. All files are processed with Aspose.APIs, which are useful for developers to work (reading, writing, and converting) with the most popular GIS file formats and come with great documentation, clear code samples, and an all-dev support team.
basic features

GIS Pengurai dan Pengonversi Koordinat Geografis

  • Penguraian string koordinat geografis yang akurat.
  • Deteksi garis lintang dan garis bujur otomatis selama penguraian.
  • Visualisasi hasil pada Peta dunia.
  • Konversi cepat dari DD, DMS, DDM, GEOREF, USNG, MGRS, Radian.
  • Konversi cepat ke DD, DMS, DDM, GEOREF, USNG, MGRS.

DDM Menit Desimal Derajat

Ini adalah format yang paling umum digunakan saat bekerja dengan peralatan navigasi elektronik. Misalnya 25В ° 30', 045В ° 30'.

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USNG Jaringan Nasional Amerika Serikat

Itu Jaringan Nasional Amerika Serikat (USNG) adalah sistem referensi jaringan lokasi multiguna yang digunakan di Amerika Serikat. Ini menyediakan "bahasa lokasi" yang konsisten secara nasional, dioptimalkan untuk aplikasi lokal, dalam format yang ringkas dan ramah pengguna. Desainnya mirip dengan sistem referensi jaringan nasional yang digunakan di negara lain. USNG diadopsi sebagai standar nasional oleh Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Pemerintah AS pada tahun 2001.

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how to

How to Use the Parser

  • Enter or paste the coordinates in source format;
  • Select the destination coordinate format for conversion;
  • Click the Convert button;
  • View the converted coordinates and explore them on the interactive World Map (available after conversion).
Features of the Aspose.Gis Coordinates free app


  1. Do I need to specify a format when parsing coordinates?

    Our application automatically extracts coordinate information from input strings.
  2. Is the MGRS Parser compatible with mobile devices?

    Yes. It is compatible with any device.
  3. 📁 How long does the parsing process take?

    The app will perform the parsing process immediately and display the results.
  4. 💻 Are there any usage restrictions for the Parser tool?

    There are no restrictions on use. Our app is available to use without any registration requirements.
  5. 🌐 How is my data handled during the parsing and conversion process?

    Your data is securely processed on our servers and all data is automatically deleted after 24 hours.

Koordinat Konversi dan Penguraian Lain yang Didukung

Anda juga dapat mengonversi koordinat menggunakan banyak referensi spasial lainnya. Silakan lihat daftar populer di bawah ini.

Versi: 24.33.3
(Catatan rilis)