The Coordinate Converter app is a web-based tool that facilitates the process of converting geographic coordinates, providing an additional feature for viewing coordinates on an interactive map.

Why Coordinate Conversion Matters

  • Accuracy: Adjust coordinates to achieve the desired accuracy.
  • Global Compatibility: Allows data to be used across borders and systems.
  • Ease to Use: Simplify complex coordinate transformations.
  • Data Analysis: Ensure uniform coordinates for accurate spatial analysis.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate with different applications.
  • Mapping and Navigation: Ensure precise location representation in GPS and mapping apps.
basic features

GIS Pengurai dan Pengonversi Koordinat Geografis

  • Penguraian string koordinat geografis yang akurat.
  • Deteksi garis lintang dan garis bujur otomatis selama penguraian.
  • Visualisasi hasil pada Peta dunia.
  • Konversi cepat dari DD, DMS, DDM, GEOREF, USNG, MGRS, Radian.
  • Konversi cepat ke DD, DMS, DDM, GEOREF, USNG, MGRS.

MGRS Sistem Referensi Jaringan Militer

Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) adalah standar geokoordinat yang digunakan oleh militer NATO untuk menemukan titik-titik di Bumi. MGRS diturunkan dari sistem grid Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) dan sistem grid Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS), tetapi menggunakan konvensi pelabelan yang berbeda. MGRS digunakan sebagai geocode untuk seluruh Bumi.

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DDM Menit Desimal Derajat

Ini adalah format yang paling umum digunakan saat bekerja dengan peralatan navigasi elektronik. Misalnya 25В ° 30', 045В ° 30'.

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how to

How to Use the Converter

  • Enter or paste the coordinates in source format;
  • Select the destination coordinate format for conversion;
  • Click the Convert button;
  • View the converted coordinates and explore them on the interactive World Map (available after conversion).
Features of the Aspose.Gis Coordinates free app


  1. Do I need to specify the coordinate format for converting coordinates?

    No, just provide coordinates in the relevant place and click the Convert button.
  2. Is the Coordinate Converter compatible with mobile devices?

    Yes, the app is compatible with all devices.
  3. 📁 How long does the conversion process take?

    The app performs the conversion instantly, displaying the results on your screen.
  4. 💻 What geographic regions are supported by the Coordinate Converter?

    The Coordinate Converter supports coordinates from all over the world, making it a versatile tool for users worldwide.
  5. 🌐 Is there a limit to the number of coordinates I can convert at once?

    Our tool is primarily for single-coordinate conversions. For batches and more advanced features, explore our library.

Koordinat Konversi dan Penguraian Lain yang Didukung

Anda juga dapat mengonversi koordinat menggunakan banyak referensi spasial lainnya. Silakan lihat daftar populer di bawah ini.

Versi: 24.33.3
(Catatan rilis)