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GMail Generator GMail Generator

Disposable Gmail Generator. Generate temporary mail gmail online

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Gmail Generator is one of the safest and easiest solutions to deal with annoying spam. Whenever you register on websites and enter your e-mail address in some forms, you probably already anticipate how all these organizations will fill your inbox with nonsense letters. And if you register on some dubious sites, then be prepared for the fact that your Gmail address will be transferred to third parties, get into some spam mailing lists, etc.
Our Gmail Generator application solves all these problems once and for all. You can generate a temporary mail Gmail address to use when registering for various sites or when giving the address to someone else. This is very convenient, because all emails will still be sent to your main account, which you specify when creating disposable Gmail. The only difference will be that incoming emails will be tagged with the generated disposable Gmail address. This flag will allow you to quickly and easily deal with all unwanted messages. You can find all messages that you have received at this address and perform a group operation on them. You can delete, mark as read, move to archive, and more. You can also easily create a filter that will block all such messages in the future. To make these tasks easier for you, our Gmail Generator application will prepare instructions for you in advance, which will indicate the created temporary mail Gmail address, and special commands for searching and creating filters.
Of course, we could connect to your account and automatically set up all the rules and filters so that unwanted messages start automatically deleting 10 minutes after the creation of disposable Gmail. But then we would have to gain access to your account, which would make our application less secure. Our Gmail Generator is designed to solve user problems, not create new ones.
Many competitors create less secure solutions that require access to your account. By using such applications, you put your data at great risk. Other applications do not provide instructions for disabling generated disposable Gmail addresses. We do not understand the benefits of such applications. After all, if you cannot disable such an address, then it will be no different from your main email address.
Software products that provide disposable email addresses on their domain are also common on the Internet. This solution also has significant disadvantages that the Gmail Generator application does not have. Firstly, all messages that will be received on the disposable email will be available to the owners of the application. These messages may contain sensitive information. Second, the temporary address can be used to reset your password. Thirdly, such addresses are often unusable for their intended purpose, because the domains of such applications often end up in the databases of unwanted email providers. Fourth, such applications rarely allow for real flexibility in how the temporary email address works.
We recommend flexible, smart, simple, and secure solutions like Gmail Generator. Use disposable Gmail addresses to manage the contents of your mailbox and minimize your risks on the Internet.

Manage your Gmail account using Fake email generator

Do you have a Gmail account? Surely you have it. It is difficult to imagine an Internet user without a Gmail account. It is still difficult to imagine a person who has absolute order in his mailbox. There are no extra letters. In principle, this is not so important. Typically, email providers provide good message search tools, catalogers, and the like. But all these are just auxiliary tools that do not solve the problem. You still provide your address to a lot of web sites. All sites want to get it so that they can refer you over and over again with “very good deals” messages. It often happens that you received an important letter yesterday, read it and closed it. Today we remembered this letter, you want to look at it again. But he can no longer be found. Since then, you've received a bunch of junk messages, try to find the one among them.
Fortunately, most newsletters and marketing messages have an "Unsubscribe" button at the end. It is very useful to press it to save your mail from unnecessary spam. But this button works differently on different sites. Sometimes you unsubscribe only from a part of letters, a certain subject. But the site continues to send you letters on a different topic. Sometimes, when registering on the site, you do not read the text of the agreement on the processing of your data. This agreement may contain a note that you give the site the right to transfer your address to third parties. And here you already have to unsubscribe from a bunch of different sites. And no matter how much you unsubscribe, the agreement still allows you to distribute your address further.
You can also mark all messages that you do not like as spam. At some point, the spam filter will begin to understand which messages you do not like and begin to filter them out. But then again, the authors of these letters are also experienced guys. They know that you will mark their messages as spam. Therefore, they will again and again invent ways to bypass spam filters.
What to do in such a situation? We suggest that you generate fake email addresses every time you register on a new site. These addresses must be generated from your Gmail account. So it will be easier for you to work with them, because. All messages will go to your main mailbox. Our application will allow you to create filters for your addresses. Filters can be flexibly configured. For example, you can scatter mail from sites into additional folders so that they do not annoy your eyes. You can mark messages as read, archive them, or permanently delete them so they don't waste your space. Most importantly, you can always return to the filter settings and temporarily disable them if, for example, you want to reset your password on the site and receive a corresponding letter to a fake address.
One of the advantages of this approach is that you block all mail at once, coming to the generated address. Site owners can share your address with third parties, they can come up with bypass spam filters, they can come up with a complex mechanism for unsubscribing from their mailing lists. All their efforts will be in vain, because they will still send letters to the blocked address.

How do I use GMail Generator application?

  1. Open the GMail Generator app.
  2. Enter your gmail.
  3. Click the "Generate temp Gmail" button.
  4. The app will instantly generate the disposable Gmail address.
  5. The generated temporary mail Gmail can be disabled when you want. Just use the email filter provided by the app.


How do I create a random Gmail account?

You can use the Gmail Generator app to generate as many random Gmail addresses as you want. All these addresses will be based on your own Gmail account, so you don't have to com up with new passwords, fake names or even prove that you are not a robot. You can use all these generated addresses as long as you need. If you want to disable any of temporary mail Gmail addresses, you can use the corresponding instructions provided by the application.

Is GMail Generator application safe?

Our Gmail Generator app is absolutely safe. We have no access to your Gmail account. We don't even have any access to the messages, received to the generated disposable Gmail address. The app only provides the temporary mail Gmail address and the set of instructions for disabling it.

What is the Gmail Dot trick?

The Gmail Dot trick allows you to create aliases for your Gmail account. These aliases allow you to generate temporary mail Gmail addresses. You can use our Gmail generator app for this. The generated disposable Gmail address can be used to register on dubious web sites that send spam. All these unnecessary messages can be automatically removed using special filters prepared by the app.
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