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  3. Email Extractor
  4. EXCEL
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Extract Email from Excel Extract Email from Excel

Extract email addresses from Excel files for free

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Email extractor from Excel is an application that aims to quickly extract email addresses from Excel files. You can upload one or more files at the same time.
When might you need a tool to extract email addresses from Excel? Perhaps you have a table of clients or business partners and it will be convenient for you, by loading it into our application, to quickly get a list of their email addresses. And then you can send to your customers, for example, commercial offers, promotions that you have at the moment, or just send holiday greetings to your business partners. Or perhaps you are an accountant who keeps a tabular list of customers and you need to send invoices to them, our application will also help you extract a list of their email addresses without duplicates. Either you are an HR manager and you have a table with a list of people who previously applied for a certain position in your company, or just candidates who might be interested in this vacancy, and now this position is open for hire and you want to send them emails asking them to send an up-to-date resume and clarify whether they are currently looking for work. A lot of people store data in Excel format, because it is very convenient to work with data in a table view, so our application will be useful for quickly extracting a list of email addresses for many people.
How does our application work? You upload your Excel spreadsheet, then to work with Excel spreadsheets we use the Aspose.Cells library, which helps to work with Excel files. With the help of this library, the program goes through all the cells of the table and in those cells that contain data, the program converts them into strings, which are then saved into the resulting text or, more simply, into a string value. Next, using a regular expression, which is a very powerful and fast way to process strings, we get email addresses from the text. The regular expression matches the email address pattern against the received text, analyzes whether it contains text that matches the pattern, and selects all instances that match it. Regular expressions allow you to work quickly and efficiently with large amounts of text. The user will receive the result in the form of a list of email addresses for each file without duplicates. You can immediately download the resulting list, which will open in a new browser page, or send to yourself a link by e-mail, by clicking on which you can view the resulting list later. The result is provided as a list of addresses for each file you have uploaded. In the future, it is planned to refine the presentation of the results of processing uploaded files. Perhaps it will be more convenient if the result is presented as a single result list or the result can be downloaded in a Word format file. We will be grateful to you if you leave your feedback on this matter, which format will be more convenient for you. It is important for us to know your opinion on what improvements we can make to our application.
Our application is absolutely free and works the same for all browsers.

How to extract email from Excel?

Step 1

Upload your files

Click on a button Browse for file and upload the file(s) or drag and drop files into the highlighted area.

Step 2

Extract email addresses

Click a button Extract.

Step 3

Get Result

Click the Download Now button. The resulting list will open in a new tab.

Step 4

Get result by email

Also you can click Send to email and you will receive an email with a link to open the resulting list of email addresses.


How do I extract just emails from Excel?

Our application in a few clicks will help you to extract the list of email addresses contained in your Excel files.

What is the best way to extract emails?

The best way to extract emails to use free online email extractor. You can use our online application to extract list of emails address.

How do I extract emails from an Excel spreadsheet?

Use our free app, just upload Excel files and get a list of Email addresses.
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