Merge DOC files to PNG

Combine multiple DOC files. Easily and quickly merge DOC to PNG with high quality.

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Lightweight Document Viewer

Nice, Friendly, Easy to use. Reads Word and PDF documents.

How to merge DOC files

  1. Upload DOC files to merge them online for free.
  2. Specify the parameters and press the "MERGE" button to merge DOC.
  3. Download the merged DOC to view instantly or send a link to email.

*You can do it either by clicking inside the drop area or by dragging with a mouse. Multiple files can be uploaded at once.
**Your data stays completely safe on our servers and will be automatically deleted after 24 hours.

Merge DOC

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Other Supported Mergers

You can also merge other file formats. Please see the list below.

Conversion Merger Compress Signature Watermark Viewer Parser Annotation Unlock Protect Splitter Comparison Redaction Search
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