Yes, MS Project is a popular and useful tool to manage projects. It is user-friendly and intuitively understandable for people who know how to work with the MS Office packet. But how will you deal with the issue that not all members of your team have this tool installed?
If you are a PM or any other manager involved in the project you need from time to time to share your documents with the team and other stakeholders. One of the ways you can do it is to transform MPP files to a format supported by the software available in your company. Now all the involved in the project members can learn the documents you have created without getting the Microsoft Project application on their devices.
The solution here is the cross-platform MPP converter. It allows you to transform PDF files to MPP and other image formats in a few seconds. It works from any modern browser on any device.
You may also want to add such functionality to your own solution. To learn more about this option go to the Documentation chapter.
- Convert PDF documents in an easy way.
- Save as MPP and many other formats.
- Use it in your own apps and integrate Conversion in your C# .NET projects.
- High-performance Microsoft Project Conversion with native APIs.
如何转换 MPP
- 选择转换器等同于要转换为的格式。
- 要添加文件,请单击蓝色区域中的任意位置,或单击 “浏览文件” 按钮以上传或拖放文件。您还可以通过在 URL 单元格中输入文档的 URL 来添加文档。
- 单击 “转换” 按钮。您的 MPP 文件将被上传并转换为结果格式。
- 然后,你必须输入初始字体的符号,你想被带到生成的文件中。您还可以通过单击右侧的选取元素之一来选取一套符号。请注意,如果符号重合,则它们将从最后一个字体文件中获取。
- 转换后,生成的下载链接将立即可用。
- 要重新开始,请单击 “返回到应用程序” 按钮。
- 如何将 PDF 转换为其他格式?选择要将 MPP doc 转换为的格式。然后,您需要添加要转换的文件:单击蓝色区域中的任意位置或浏览文件按钮以上传或拖放文件。您还可以通过在 URL 单元格中输入文档的 URL 来添加文档。然后选择所需的格式,单击 “转换” 按钮,然后等待文件被转换。
- 支持的最大文件大小是多少?最大文件大小为250Mb。
- 转换 PDF 需要多长时间?这个转换器工作得很快。该过程仅需几秒钟。
选择要转换的格式和要转换为的格式。上传您的文档,然后单击 “转换” 按钮。你很快就会得到下载链接。从任何地方转换
转换是使用Aspose API实现的,114个国家/地区的许多财富100强公司都在使用Aspose API。