Create NFT Smart Contract

NFT Smart Contract online for your SVG image in a couple of clicks!

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Create NFT smart contract easily!

NFT (Non-Fungible Token) became popular in 2021. Our free web application allows you generate an NFT smart contract to create your own NFT image. Also, it encodes SVG document's content to its equivalent string representation encoded with base-64 digits. Just enter the NFT metadata, run the application and gain the result. The highest quality NFT is easy!

You can use our free online NFT Smart Contract app on any operating system with a web browser. Be sure, it is secure, easy to use and completely free. No signup required! Upload, enter NFT information, and generate!

Why is the NFT smart contract needed?

NFT is a digital creative intellectual property that is used mostly for art, music, collectibles and more. NFT is generated using a smart contract that sits on a blockchain. NFT has a unique identification code and metadata that differs one NFT from another, making it work differently from a cryptocurrency coin. NFT smart contract is a piece of software code that allows the network to store the information transparent and immutable. Eventually, this code is what controls the digital asset known as NFT.
  • High encoding quality
  • Quick and clear way to encode SVG or images
  • No limitations, no registration and installation of additional software
  • Work from your favorite device
  • Save and download the result
  • Try other online Encoders: SVG Encoder, Image Encoder, JPG Encoder, PNG Encoder, etc.

How to create NFT?

  • Click inside the file drop area to upload a file or drag & drop SVG. Note: You can upload only one file for the operation.
  • Enter the NFT name and description in the text fields (default value will be used otherwise).
  • Click the Encode button to start the SVG to Base64 encoding and NFT smart contract making.
  • The SVG file will be encoded to Base64 format, and the NFT smart contract will be generated. After that, you can copy them to the clipboard or download as files. NFT app makes a smart contract that can be used for the creation of NFT images. This smart contract is written in solidity language and can be compiled via any Ethereum tools like Remix or Hardhat.

    Note: We recommend you not upload large files to create an NFT smart contract as the file size affects the transaction fee. The larger the file size, the higher the fee! You will pay a fee when uploading the NFT to the server and performing any actions with NFT, such as validating the token, putting it up for auction for sale, etc.


  • What does NTF mean?NFT is a creative intellectual property managed on blockchains. NFT has a URI that points to data containing the metadata and the corresponding visuals. The NFT use is based on smart contracts. We generate smart contact based on ERC721URIStorage interface, which allows keeping SVG as Base64 encoded string inside tokenURI storage.
  • How can I create SVG NFT?First, you need to add a file for encoding: drag & drop your SVG or click inside the blue area to choose a file. Fill in the NFT metadata fields (default value will be used otherwise). Then run the application. When encoding is completed, the SVG image will be encoded to Base64 format, and the smart contract will be generated. After that, you can copy them to the clipboard or download them as files.
  • How long does it take to create NFT?This NFT app works fast. You can make NFT smart contract in a few seconds.
  • Is it safe to use this free NFT app?Of course! All files are processed locally on your computer. No one has access to your data. SVG encoding is absolutely safe.
  • Can I create NFT smart contract on Linux, Mac OS, Android or iOS?Yes, you can use the NFT app on any operating system with a web browser. It works online and does not require any software installation.
  • Fast and Easy SVG NFT

    Upload an SVG file, fill the NFT name and description fields, and run the application by clicking the Encode button. After the SVG encoding performing, the two text areas will be filled with encoded text and NFT smart contract.
  • Create NFT from Anywhere

    It works from all platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android and iOS. All files are processed on our servers. No plugin or software installation required for you.
  • Quality of NFT Smart Contract

    All data are processed using Aspose APIs, which are established well in the software industry and used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries.
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