Convert PNG to SVG, review and edit the result!
PNG to SVG Converter transforms your raster image to vector graphics. In a raster image, each object is represented by a pattern of pixels. Raster file formats are suitable for photographs or pictures with color gradients. But one of their main disadvantages is the losing quality when scaling. Vector graphics can be scaled to any size without any loss in quality. Under the image to vector conversion, we mean the process of replacing bitmaps with mathematic curves, geometric shapes made up from path elements and stored as SVG.
PNG to SVG conversion process includes some steps: color quantization and resizing, contour tracing, trace smoothing, trace simplification, and building SVG path elements from the traces. Using the PNG to SVG Converter, you may apply a set of options that affect the PNG to SVG conversion process to obtain the perfect result. Save your time and check this free image vectorization tool to get all the benefits of vector graphics!
Please visit our
documentation. You can learn how to convert PNG to SVG programmatically and find C# examples for PNG to SVG conversion. You can download the examples and showcase projects from the
GitHub repository. They are open source and can be freely used in your own applications. Convert PNG to SVG in any way – online or programmatically!