Upload two or many documents for merging
Optionally upload a master presentation to set the overall style of the document
Service | Free | Free (registered users) | Premium | Business |
File Size Limit | 2 Mb | 5 Mb | 20 Mb | Custom |
Batch Files Max Count | 1 | 5 | 20 | Custom |
Slides Max Count | 50 | 50 | Unlimited | Custom |
Merger | 2 documents | 5 documents | 20 documents | Custom |
Video | SD, HD 1 transition type 1 audio type |
SD, HD 3 transition types 6 audio types |
Unlimited | Unlimited |
Viewer | 10 slides | 20 slides | Unlimited | Custom |
Ad-Free App Experience |
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Want to create the same presentation Merger app? Learn how to do it here.
Aspose.Slides Merger App is an online app to effectively merge a set of presentation files of PowerPoint formats one into another. The flexible interface of the app allows to create various merge scenarios like following: 1. merge PowerPoint files of the same format into one file;2. merge Slide Master file into a presentation file to change the style of the resulting presentation ;3. change the style of multiple presentations in one click, by merging Slides Master file into them;4. choose the order of merged presentations;5. merge PowerPoint of different file formats into one presentation format;6. merge PPT files into PDF, DOC(X), JPEG, HTML and others.
Other Aspose Apps you may want to try: Collage web app for making collages and merging JPG photos; PowerPoint to Word converter for converting presentations to Word documents.
You can also merge other file formats. Please see the list below.