Lock PowerPoint & ODP file in Free Online App

Lock presentation formats by creating password protected PowerPoint PPT, PPTX and OpenOffice ODP files.

Powered by aspose.com, aspose.net and aspose.cloud.

Edit protection password
View protection password

AI Plugins
How to lock presentation with Aspose.Slides Lock application?

How to lock presentation with Aspose.Slides Lock application?

  1. Open Aspose.Slides Lock application.
  2. Click inside the file drop area to upload a presentation or drag & drop it.
  3. Type viewing password in the appropriate input if you want to protect presentation from viewing only.
  4. Type editing password in the appropriate input if you want to protect presentation from editing only.
  5. Press "Protect Now" and then "Download Now" to get the protected presentation.
  6. Note that presentation file will be deleted from our servers after 24 hours and download links will stop working after this time period.

Aspose.Slides Lock App is an online app to lock, protect and finalize presentations to prevent their viewing, editing and copying. The app provides a unified and simple interface to set View and Edit passwords in one step. After setting the password, the presentation is encrypted with it. You can also mark presentation as final to make it read-only, which will disable such operations as typing, editing, commenting it.

Lock App provides a fast way to lock presentation from any device and anywhere. You can lock saved presentation online even without a need to open it.

Lock App is a free app provided by Aspose.Slides.

Aspose.Slides for .NET

Aspose.Slides Lock

  • Lock and protect PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentation online.
  • Protect presentation from editing, viewing and copying.
  • Set "View" password and "Edit" password to encrypt presentation.
  • Restrict access to presentation from opening and modifying.


  1. How to lock presentation online?
    Use Aspose.Slides Lock application to lock and password-protect presentations online.
  2. How to lock presentation with Aspose.Slides Lock application?
    Upload the presentation, type the password and get the presentation locked.
  3. Can I protect presentation from viewing only?
    Yes, for that type password in viewing password input.
  4. Can I protect presentation from editing only?
    Yes, for that type password in editing password input.
  5. Which presentation formats can be locked with the password?
    With Aspose.Slides Lock app you may lock any presentation format: PPT(X), POT(M), PPS(X), etc.
  6. Can the app unlock presentations?
    No. But you may use Aspose.Slides Unlock application to unlock presentations online.
Fast and easy

Fast and Easy Protection

Upload your file, enter new password and click on "PROTECT NOW" button. You will get protected file as soon as the protection is performed

Protect from Anywhere

It works from all platforms including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. All files are processed on our servers. No plugin or software installation required for you
High quality

Protection Quality

The conversion process is powered by industry-leading Aspose.Slides APIs, which are widely used in many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries.

Other Supported Document Protection

You can also protect other document file formats. Please see the list below.

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