Convert WORD to XPS. Online and free!
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Word is the format that does not need an introduction. The format is also known as .doc or .docx, depending on the version of Word used. With WORD you can create a wide range of documents, including letters, reports, essays, and other types of written content. The format supports a variety of formatting options, such as font styles and sizes, colors, bullet points, tables, and more.
Despite WORD's popularity, there are several reasons why someone might want to convert it to another format and one of them is that to work with the file on full-scale you need to have an MS Office package installed.
Here is a fast and easy-to-use CGM to XPS converter that does not require installation to solve this issue. In just a few moments the conversion is completed which will give you a file with better editing, archiving, and printing options. You will also gain a document of better security because XPS files can be encrypted.