Convert EMF to EPS. Online and free!
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Drag and drop file(s) here
(Enhanced Metafile) or EMF is a vector graphics format used to store images, drawings, and diagrams. EMF files are scalable to any size without losing quality, making them ideal for use in print documents, presentations, and other applications where high-quality graphics are important. EMF files can contain both vector graphics and bitmap images, so they are suitable for a wide range of applications. You can edit EMF files in vector graphics software such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, and Microsoft Visio. EMF files can contain embedded fonts, which allows for accurate reproduction of the text in images, even if the user does not have the font on the device. So you can be sure that the fonts will look well when sharing EMF files.
As mentioned above EMF files can contain raster and vector graphics at the same time. But when you only have software to work either with raster or with vector graphics you will be forced to convert EMF.
Here we offer you a fast and easy-to-use BMP to EMF Converter that does not require installation. In just a few moments you have your file converted. It will help you when you want to include the image in a print document or if the people you want to share your document with, have only software that works with EPS files.