Konverter online gratis IXBRL menyang XLSX

Konversi IXBRL dadi XLSX online saka piranti apa wae, kanthi browser modern kaya Chrome, Opera lan Firefox.

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*Kanthi ngunggah file utawa nggunakake layanan sampeyan, sampeyan setuju karo Katemtuan Layanan lan Kebijakan Privasi .
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Aspose.Finance for .NET Aspose.Finance ixbrl Conversion

Aspose ixbrl konverter minangka aplikasi gratis kanggo ngowahi format ixbrl. Konversi ixbrl online saka Mac OS, Linux, Android, IOS, lan ing endi wae.
Yen sampeyan pengin ngonversi kanthi pemrograman, priksa Aspose.Finance documentation.


iXBRL is a development of XBRL in which the XBRL metadata are embedded in an HTML document. It requires the HTML document to be well-formed but does not otherwise specify the required XML format. Typically, iXBRL is implemented within HTML documents, which are displayed or printed by web browsers without revealing the XBRL metadata inside the document. The specification does, however, provide a normative schema which requires that any schema-valid iXBRL document should be in XHTML format.

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XLSX Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet

XLSX is well-known format for Microsoft Excel documents that was introduced by Microsoft with the release of Microsoft Office 2007. Based on structure organized according to the Open Packaging Conventions as outlined in Part 2 of the OOXML standard ECMA-376, the new format is a zip package that contains a number of XML files. The underlying structure and files can be examined by simply unzipping the .xlsx file.

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Cara ngonversi ixbrl file

  • Klik ing area gulung file kanggo ngunggah file ixbrl utawa seret & selehake file ixbrl.
  • File ixbrl sampeyan bakal diunggah lan bakal diowahi dadi format liyane.
  • Link download file asil bakal kasedhiya langsung sawise konversi.
  • Sampeyan uga bisa ngirim link menyang file ixbrl menyang alamat email.
  • Elinga yen file bakal dibusak saka server sawise 24 jam lan tautan unduhan bakal mandheg sawise periode wektu iki.
Konversi Cepet lan Gampang

Konversi Cepet lan Gampang

Upload dokumen sampeyan, pilih jinis format save banjur klik tombol "Convert". Sampeyan bakal entuk link download yen file diowahi.

Ngonversi saka ngendi wae

Ngonversi saka ngendi wae

Bisa digunakake saka kabeh platform kalebu Windows, Mac, Android lan iOS. Kabeh file diproses ing server. Ora perlu instalasi plugin utawa piranti lunak kanggo sampeyan.

Kualitas Konversi

Kualitas Konversi

Didukung dening Aspose.Finance. Kabeh file diproses nggunakake API Aspose, sing digunakake dening akeh perusahaan Fortune 100 ing 114 negara.

Konversi sing Didhukung Liyane

Sampeyan uga bisa ngowahi format file liyane. Mangga deleng dhaptar ing ngisor iki.

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