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Email Checker Email Checker

Check email validity by using our Email Checker.

Powered by aspose.com, aspose.org and aspose.cloud

Our application allows you to verify if the given address exists, is temporary or contains errors. First of all, we check that it is valid in terms of standard validation rules (contains a local part, an “@” sign and a domain part, etc.). Then Email Checker separates it into a username and a domain name, which we then verify for the presence of disposable mail servers in the database. The Email Checker then verifies if the entered address exists. This is not an easy procedure, since many people block this feature in order to combat spam. Some simply give false information. For the same reason, email verification traffic is blocked by many ISPs. To verify how the mail server is configured, we first check for a dummy email address. If we get a response that the specified address exists, it is most likely providing false information and we cannot verify the email address for it. If we get the answer that the dummy address does not exist, we can safely check the address entered by the user, it is very likely that we will get a valid answer. Of course, there is no point in checking a dummy address on the same server over and over again. Therefore, we maintain our own, constantly updated database of mail servers. In this database, we record which ones block checks, provide false information, or allow checks. For example, we know that we can validate gmail addresses without problems, so we don't need to use our bogus mail validation algorithm to do this. If you would like to expand the functionality of our Email Checker app, please contact us. We are constantly working to improve our applications and would like to receive feedback.

Why is it important to check email address?

Sending letters by e-mail has long and tightly entered into our lives as a tool for promoting a product to the market, and most businesses successfully use this tool. How to use this tool effectively? To do this, sending letters to valid email addresses is very important. When you have a list of email addresses, it's important to understand that they're up to date. You have already spent a lot of time preparing your letter, in which you tried to set out, for example, your commercial offer for customers, describe the benefits of your product or the promotion that you are currently running. All this is a very long and laborious process; you need to ensure that your potential clients will receive your letter. So next you need to verify the email addresses in your database. Even if you received a letter from a client from a specific email address and entered it into your list, this does not mean that it is valid, since it may turn out to be a one-time address and, naturally, sending a letter to it will not reach the recipient. In addition, if you received a letter from your client, where he even indicated which address to send offers to, then if he did not copy the address, but wrote it manually, he could simply make a mistake. Even if you have already sent letters to this email address before, after that, for example, a year has passed, then this address may no longer be relevant. It may simply not exist anymore, or this address may exist, but no one has been using it for a long time, that is, the user has not logged into his account for a long time. In this case, some mail servers may use such a mailbox to determine as spam the messages that come to it. Therefore, even as it would seem, if you have a good database, you need to verify if emails are valid. Most likely, you do not need to verify all addresses, since you can be sure that these addresses are relevant, but those addresses that you are not sure about you need to check, because if they turn out to be irrelevant, this may negatively affect the entire mailing list as a whole. Of course, it is necessary to check the database that you received from someone, as there may be a huge number of irrelevant email addresses. What can all this lead to? They need to be checked, because when you start sending emails and such addresses do not exist, respectively, they do not reach the recipient or this mailbox has not been used for a long time, the mail servers will mark your emails as spam and then start blocking your emails and accordingly, even those letters that were sent to valid email addresses will not be delivered to recipients. As a result of all this, you will do work that will not bring the expected result. Using our Email Checker you can quickly and freely check an email address. We hope that our Email Checker will become a reliable assistant in your business.

How to check email validity?

  1. Open the Email Checker app.
  2. Enter the email you want to validate.
  3. Click the "Check email" button.
  4. The app will validate the address, check that it exists on the email server and show the result in the popup window.
  5. As a bonus, the app also checks that the email address is disposable or not.


How can I check if an email is legitimate?

Enter the address and press the "Check email" button. The app will connect to the mail exchanger and check whether the email is legitimate or not. Don't worry, the app will not send any emails to the validated address.

How can I check if a Gmail account exists?

Open the Email checker app. Enter the gmail address and press "Check email" button. The app will check the account existence.

How can I verify an email address for free?

Check email address with our app. It is very simple and absolutely free.
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