CGM to DWG Converter

CGM to DWG Converter is an app for fast converting CGM file(s) to DWG file format.

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CGM to DWG Converter

You can download the Nuget package or view the sample code at the Demo link in the github repository.

Our app is for quick and unlimited conversion of CGM file(s) to DWG file format. Use the CAD Converter for quickly conversion to the popular file formats, saving your converted files on your device or sharing the results by the e-mail.

  • Cloud API is available for developers;
  • On-premise API is available for developers.
  • Powered by professional.NET/Java API.
  • SDS is available for popular programming languages.
This app works intuitively, on any device, by any browser.
Powered by Aspose.CAD. All files are processed with Aspose APIs, which are being used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries.
Aspose.CAD Cloud makes available SDKs for popular programming languages C#, Python, PHP, Java, Node.js, and Ruby, which are built on top of the Cloud REST API and constantly evolving.

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How to use CGM converter app by Aspose.CAD?

Find out why we do what we do

  1. 🛡️ How safe is using Converter?
    All your converted files and the links with the results of the conversion will be deleted after 24 hours.
  2. ⏱ How fast is CGM to DWG Converter app?
    This converter works fast but it depends on a drawing size. A conversion of CGM drawing may take from a few seconds to a minute.
  3. ❓ Can I convert a few files per one process?
    Yes, our app will fine with a maximum of 10 files during the conversion process.
  4. ☁️ Can I upload CGM file from my cloud storage?
    You are free to use Google Drive or Dropbox to upload your files.
  5. ⬆️ Can I upload CGM files from the different sources for one conversion?
    Yes. Upload your files from your device, cloud storage, or use a URL.

What People Are Saying

See what users say about Aspose.CAD Conversion free app


Thank you for the 12 usable files that were produced Steen! User from San Jose, USA

Superb app fully satisfied ! User from Delhi, India

10 Estrelas !!! User from Barcelona, Spain

MUITO BOM, E RÁPIDO !!!!!!! User from San Paulo, Brazil

Thanks - it was very helpful - please keep the good service. User from Frankfurt, Germany

Description of formats

(Computer Graphics Metafile)
Is a vector graphics file format used for the exchange of 2D and 3D graphical information between computer systems. It supports a wide range of graphical elements such as lines, curves, polygons, text, and images, as well as meta-data for the organization and presentation of graphical data. CGM is widely used in technical illustration, engineering, and scientific visualization applications, as well as in the aviation and defense industries.
DWG is a compact binary file format with closed-source software for containing 2D and 3D design data and metadata in a highly compressed form. DWG is appropriate for storing large design files but makes them difficult to use without special software.

Closed-source (antonym for open source) software is proprietary or non-copyrighted software.

Primary used for creating the design drawings and models, deriving renderings in 2D or 3D, and collaboration among architects and engineers designing, constructing, and maintaining buildings.

Export to raster formats is Powered by Aspose.Imaging.