Vectorize Paper BMP to 3DS format

BMP to 3DS Exporter is an app for fast importing BMP file(s) to 3DS file format.

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Vectorize Paper BMP to 3DS format

You can download the Nuget package or view the sample code at the Demo link in the github repository.

Paper To CAD is a quick and effective tool for turning paper drawings into 3DS files that can be used by any program. Your physical drawings may now be quickly and easily exported into 3D Studio digital files that are ready for usage on any device.
With just a few simple steps and a small time investment, you can complete the vectorization process effortlessly.
You may be sure that for the next 24 hours, all of your files will be safely accessible to you. Your privacy and data security are guaranteed beyond that point when they will be immediately erased.
Our BMP exporter operates seamlessly through any web browser on any device, eliminating the need for downloading specialized software. The vectorization process is handled on our servers, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.
Our application serves as a virtual tool powered by cutting-edge technology, offering comprehensive drawing processing capabilities for both client-side and server-side usage.
To enhance versatility and accessibility, we provide software development kits (SDKs) for popular programming languages including C#, Python, PHP, Java, Node.js, and Ruby. These SDKs are built on top of our Cloud REST API, which is continuously evolving. With extensive documentation, clear code samples, and a dedicated support team, our API is a valuable resource for developers of all levels.

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How to use Paper to CAD by Aspose.CAD?

Find out why we do what we do

  1. 🛡️ How secure is using Paper to CAD?
    Your exported Bitmap file(s) and the associated links will be securely deleted from our servers after 24 hours, ensuring your data's confidentiality.
  2. ⏱ How fast is the vectorization process in Paper to CAD?
    The size of the drawing affects how quickly it is exported. A 3D Studio drawing may often be exported in a matter of seconds to a minute.
  3. ❓ Can I export multiple Bitmap files in a single process with Paper to CAD?
    Yes, Paper to CAD supports batch vectorization, allowing you to export up to 10 BMP files simultaneously in a single process.
  4. ☁️ Can I upload BMP files from cloud storage platforms?
    Absolutely! Paper to CAD supports the upload of Bitmap files from popular cloud storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
  5. ⬆️ Can I upload BMP files from different sources for a single vectorization process?
    You can submit Bitmap files from several sources for a single vectorization process with Paper to CAD, thus yes. You can combine and separate files from several locations as necessary.

What People Are Saying

See what users say about Aspose.CAD free app


Thank you for the 12 usable files that were produced Steen! User from San Jose, USA

Superb app fully satisfied ! User from Delhi, India

10 Estrelas !!! User from Barcelona, Spain

MUITO BOM, E RÁPIDO !!!!!!! User from San Paulo, Brazil

Thanks - it was very helpful - please keep the good service. User from Frankfurt, Germany

Description of formats

(Bitmap Picture)
The raster graphics file format is used as a storage for two-dimensional digital images both monochrome and color, in various color depths, with and without data compression, alpha channels, and color profiles.
(3D Studio)
File format used for storing 3D models and scenes in a proprietary format developed by Autodesk. It contains information about the geometry, materials, textures, and lighting of 3D models, making it a popular format for use in the gaming and entertainment industries. 3DS is supported by many popular 3D modeling and animation software applications, including 3ds Max, Blender, and SketchUp.

Other Supported Paper Imports

You can also export BMP into many other file formats. Please see the complete list below.

  1. BMP to DWG
  2. BMP to DXF
  3. BMP to DWF
  4. BMP to DWT
  5. BMP to OBJ
  6. BMP to FBX
  7. BMP to DWFX
  8. BMP to STP
  9. BMP to CGM
  10. BMP to GLB
  11. BMP to GLTF
  12. BMP to U3D
  13. BMP to 3DS
  14. BMP to EMF
  15. BMP to SVG
  16. BMP to WMF
  17. BMP to PDF

Export to raster formats is Powered by Aspose.Imaging.