Edit metadata in STL drawings

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How to edit metadata in STL file

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  1. ❓ How can I edit metadata in STL drawing?
    First, you need to select the file with your plot or model: drag the STL model or click inside the white area to select the file and the edit will be displayed on the current page.
  2. ⏱ How long does it take to edit metadata in STL file?
    This Metadata-editor works fast but it depends on a model size. Processing the STL model may take from a few seconds to a minute.
  3. 🛡️ Is it safe to edit metadata in STL files using free Aspose.CAD Metadata-editor?
    Of course! The download link for the resulting files will be available immediately after edit. We delete uploaded files after 24 hours and the download links will stop working after this time period. No one has access to your files. The text extractor file is completely safe.
  4. 💻 Can I edit metadata in STL files on Linux, Mac OS or Android?
    Yes, you can use free Aspose edit on any operating system that has a web browser. Our STL editor works online and does not require any software installation.

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Thank you for the 12 usable files that were produced Steen! User from San Jose, USA

Superb app fully satisfied ! User from Delhi, India

10 Estrelas !!! User from Barcelona, Spain

MUITO BOM, E RÁPIDO !!!!!!! User from San Paulo, Brazil

Thanks - it was very helpful - please keep the good service. User from Frankfurt, Germany

Description of formats

STL has several backronyms such as "Standard Triangle Language" and "Standard Tessellation Language".
Most popular file format for 3D printing, rapid prototyping, and computer-aided manufacturing.
Each file is a series of linked triangles that describe the surface geometry of a 3D model or object. The more complex the design, the more triangles used, and the higher the resolution.
STL supports by many software packages. STL files describe only the surface geometry of a 3D object without any representation of color, texture, or other common CAD model attributes. The STL format specifies both binary and ASCII representations. Binary files are more common since they are more compact.

Other Supported Formats

You can also edit metadata in other file formats. Please see the complete list below.

  1. BMP
  2. GIF
  3. JPEG
  4. PNG
  5. TIFF
  6. PSD
  7. SVG
  8. DWG
  9. DGN
  10. DXF
  11. IFC
  12. DWF
  13. IGS
  14. PLT
  15. DWT
  16. CF2
  17. OBJ
  18. FBX
  19. DWFX
  20. DAE
  21. DXB
  22. STP
  23. CGM
  24. GLB
  25. GLTF
  26. U3D
  27. 3DS
  28. PDF
  29. ZIP

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