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    Ōrau tau: ngāwari tahuri 12 o 14 ki te tau me te ōrau.

    Whakahaerehia e me

    Tiwhiria te Punaha Whakarite Ma Te Whenua




    Ko te Kaute Taeke Taumata Awhina ka taea e koe te tatau i to kohinga orau mo te 12 o te 14. Hei taapiri, ka taea e koe te whakarereke i enei uara me te kowhiri i nga punaha māka rereke kia eke ai to tohu reta. Ko te Kaute Taapene Percrau Taatau he mahinga koreutu ki te tatau i to tohu tohu. Whakamātauria tenei raupaparorohiko ipurangi awhina hei tirotiro i o take paetae ōrau ka eke to tohu ki te tauine rohe. Ka taea e koe te kowhiri i tetahi punaha whakatauine a-rohe, a ka tatau tonu i te tatauranga te waahanga o nga whakautu tika ki te maha o nga paatai ka whakaatu i to tohu ki te whakamatautau. Ano hoki, whakamatautau i ta maatau kaute tatau hei tatau i o tohu me nga taipitopito.

    Ko tenei mahinga koreutu na te  Aspose.OMR

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    Te otinga ōrau me ngā kaupae:

    Step 1 icon

    Hipanga 1

    Whakauruhia te maha o nga paatai

    Ko te tau kei runga ake i te paapa te tohu tohu he rahinga paatai: {1}

    Step 2 icon

    Hipanga 2

    Whakauruhia te maha o nga whakautu he

    Ko te tau kei raro o te pa te tatauranga - he maha nga whakautu tika: {0}

    Step 3 icon

    Hipanga 3

    Whakareatia te hua

    Wehea te tatauranga ki te tauraro kia uara hautau: {0} / {1} = {2}

    Step 4 icon

    Hipanga 4

    Haere Hua

    Whakareatia te hua ki te 100 kia whiwhi i nga kohinga: {2} * 100 = {3}


    Ko te rongoa mo {0} he aha te pauna o te {1}

    Me pehea te tatau i to tohu tohu.

    Me pēhea te tātai kōeke mō {0} matau o {1}

    Me pehea te whiwhi tohu tohu

    E hia te {0} o {1}

    Ko tetahi atu pahekeheke rite

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