Aspose.3D Bot

  1. What is Aspose.3D Bot?

    Aspose.3D Bot is the name of the crawler that gathers data for the Aspose.3D Search app.

    There're actually two kinds of Aspose.3D Bot:
    • A crawler to index standard web contents(HTML, don't need to download images/3d resources) from external websites so our search app can provide search feature to users.
    • A crawler to load public 3D content from external websites so our other apps can provide features to users(experimental).
  2. How does Aspose.3D Bot access your web site?

    Aspose.3D Bot looks for directives in your robots.txt file. You can use the Crawl-delaydirective to tell Aspose.3D Bot how quickly it can request pages from your website. Our default value for the Crawl-delay is 3 seconds if it's undefined in your robots.txt. One index task per 3 seconds should not hurt or overburden your web server; however, we'll honor whatever setting you choose.

  3. Can I block Aspose.3D Bot from accessing portions or all of my web site?

    Yes. All you have to do is add some directives in your robots.txt file. The directives determine which paths we're allowed to access, if any, and which paths we cannot.

    For example, if you don't want Aspose.3D Bot to access any pages under /models, you can add following directives:

    User-agent: Aspose3DBot
    Disallow: /models

    If you don't want Aspose.3D Bot to access any portion of your site, then you can add following directives:

    User-agent: Aspose3DBot
    Disallow: /

    If you offer 3D models to the public, then please consider allowing Aspose.3D Bot to crawl your website. We're trying to share your website with new users and bring traffic to your website. We do not steal your IP, data, traffic or any rights to your content.

    If we find Aspose.3D Bot has been disallowed, then we will respect your decision. Our bot will check your robots.txt at a fixed period, usually once per day. If we find we're not welcomed, then we will not access your web site anymore.

  4. What's the user agent of Aspose.3D Bot?

    Currently we only have one app that will access external websites, and it's user agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Aspose3DBot; +

  5. How do I remove contents from the Aspose.3D search results?

    If you would like any links to or content regarding your website removed from our search results, then you can send an email to We will:

    • Remove the specified contents from the Aspose.3D search results.
    • Remove any stored data regarding your website, and we will stop crawling your web site.

    For more details regarding IP removal, please check our DMCA Policy.